Volunteer as a Junior Firefighter at West Deptford Fire Department

West Deptford Fire Department Offers High School Students the Opportunity to Gear Up, Volunteer and Learn Life-Saving Skills

Students hoping to find a new passion this school year can join West Deptford Fire Department’s junior firefighter or explorer programs. The programs are an exciting opportunity for youth ages 14-17 to gain essential life-saving skills and inspire a new generation of community leaders. Those interested can fill out a contact form at www.westdeptfordfirefighter.org to get started.

“It was a really easy process. I filled out the form and they contacted me to do an in-person interview,” said Joie Alzado, who started as a junior firefighter last year. “Junior firefighting is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and learn new skills you never knew you needed.”

West Deptford Fire Department’s explorer program is for youths ages 14 and 15. Explorers lean how to handle gear and equipment from experienced firefighters and where to find them on the truck. At 16 years old, junior firefighters can go on emergency fire calls. They can’t fight fires inside of burning buildings, but provide critical exterior assistance by hooking up hoses to hydrants and grabbing tools for the firefighters.

“Getting teenagers involved at a young age teaches them the skills they need to become active firefighters and may even lead them to a career in emergency services,” said Fire Chief Anthony Ferriola, whose son started as an explorer firefighter four years ago and is now an active firefighter.

The program not only prepares students for a potential career in emergency services, it also instills values of leadership, teamwork and civic duty that are valuable in any path they choose. Additionally, volunteering looks great on college resumes and many teenagers study at the fire company when they have down time.

“We understand school comes first and only ask volunteers to give as much time as they can,” said Ferriola.

Students can balance school and volunteering, while also making new friends outside of class. By joining a team of people who are passionate about helping their community, students meet new peers with similar interests. Not only do many junior firefighters make new friends but they build connections that last a lifetime.

“Our junior firefighting program has grown steadily over the years,” said Ferriola. “We’re excited to continue to grow our program and recruit the next generation of firefighters.”

To qualify, students must have a parent/guardian signature and maintain a C average in school. For more information about the junior firefighting and explorer programs, or to sign up, visit www.westdeptfordfirefighter.org.