Volunteer FAQ

Will I get paid?

While this is an unpaid volunteer position considered priceless in experience, there is an opportunity for you to receive financial incentives through our duty shift stipend program.

Do I need prior experience?

No experience necessary! West Deptford Fire Department is committed to training new volunteers.

What are the benefits of volunteering?

In addition to free training and gear, West Deptford Fire Departments offers a fun and supportive atmosphere to learn in. As a volunteer, you’ll get a chance to join in the camaraderie and be a part of the family. You and your family will receive a free membership to RiverWinds Community Center.

What types of apparatus can volunteers use?

A lot! We have two fire stations equipped with a fleet of four engines, two aerials, one heavy rescue, and two brush/quick attack units, as well as several command units and three marine units for operations on the river.

How much time will I spend volunteering?

As much time as you can give. We understand that you may have other commitments: a full-time job, schooling, family, etc.

What is the NJ Volunteer Tuition Credit Program?

A person who is an active member of a volunteer fire company or volunteer first aid or rescue squad or association in good standing and the dependant children and spouse of a volunteer shall be allowed to enroll in a postsecondary program on a tuition-free basis in county college, county vocational school or county technical institute and be eligible to receive tuition credit up to $600.00 per year in an amount not to exceed a maximum of $2,400 for the member, children and spouse; provided that available classroom space permits and that tuition paying students constitute the minimum number required for the course.

Can a teenager volunteer?

Yes! Teenagers can volunteer as early as age 14. You must have a parent/guardian signature and maintain a C average (2.0 GPA) in school.

How do I sign up or contact the fire company?

Fill out an inquiry form on the Join Us page. Your information will be sent to our recruitment committee who will contact you shortly and invite you to tour our station.